fffabulous guy week wouldn't be a true fffabulous guy week without a bit of soccer. French guys happen to be as obsessed with soccer as American guys are with baseball or football. And this may be why two of my French guy friends started a very fffun blog about 'fffoot', cafefoot.com! If you are familiar with Thierry Rolland and Jean-Michel Larqué and their fffamous 'Tout a fait, Thierry!', this blog will make you smile and also make you think that these fffrenchies are on to something (their fffunny video made it to the French youtube homepage, after all). Here is their story:
"Once upon a time in the soccer world were two guys, Alex et Stef. They were huge soccer fans (or "foot" fans as they say in Europe) and kept on sharing about Zidane, Ronaldinho and Beckham after meetings and between drinks. Since these guys were spending time talking about soccer and playing soccer-related video games against each other, they decided to keep track of these discussions in a daily video podcast. Then came up with the idea of using a domain Stef registered a couple of year ago, cafefoot.com. Quickly, Cafefoot became a fun thing, a simple discussion between two soccer supporters, as if they were in a bar, a little bit drunk and excessive. Since then, Alex and Stef continue to enjoy recording themselves every day and sharing with a supportive community of soccer lovers around the world."